Often times people looking for addiction services are unsure of where to even begin looking. Let us help you.
So, we search the world wide web and hope for the best.
It can be overwhelming, time consuming, and lead to nothing.
If you reside in Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, or Oswego counties, the CRARC has created a valuable Resource Guide for your viewing. This Resource Guide is available online and as an app for easy access. The Resource Guide will show you all of the local options available to you or your loved one and contains contact information so you can reach out to the providers.
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Resource Guide and download our App (search for CRARC in your devices App Store!) so that you can be prepared when someone you love, someone you know, or a complete stranger needs a helping hand finding services.
You never know when you might need that information. Be prepared. 🙂